russians strike Kherson city center, killing 20-year-old man

On January 5, the russian invaders once again shelled the center of Kherson. A man died in the place of the strike.

Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram of the head of the Kherson regional military administration, Yaroslav Yanushevych.

"The russian occupiers just attacked the central part of Kherson, hitting a house.

A 20-year-old man died of his injuries on the spot," the head of the region said.

An 18-year-old boy died, as reported in the Emergency Center. There was a strike at the shop on Perekopska Street. The building was destroyed; the man was under the rubble.

Earlier, the Kherson regional military administration reported that on the morning of January 5, russian troops shelled Chornobaivka and Komyshany near Kherson.

They targeted houses, cars, agricultural premises, power lines, and gas pipelines. Four people were injured.

Later it became known that several houses were damaged in Komyshany after the morning shelling. Two were completely destroyed, according to the village head, Kateryna Rohova.

Two people who were in the car were injured. Both were taken to the hospital.


Over the past day, russian invaders shelled the territory of the Kherson region 41 times. Three people were injured. Yaroslav Yanushevych, the head of the Kherson regional military administration, reported this on Telegram.

"The russian occupiers shelled the territory of the Kherson region 41 times. They fired artillery, anti-aircraft guns, mortars, and tanks," the head of the region said.

The head of the region reported that Kherson was shelled nine times, and the fire spread through residential quarters. russians shells hit private and apartment buildings, Yanushevych added.

In addition, the head of the local administration informed that three people were injured with varying severity due to shelling.

Volodymyr Litvinov, the head of the Berislav district military administration, wrote in Telegram that the Berislav, Novooleksandrivka, Mylove, and Tiahynka territorial communities were under enemy fire in the district.

In particular, Beryslav, Novoberyslav, Novooleksandrivka, Havrylivka, Mylove, Dudchany, Tiahynka, Odradokamianka, Mykolaivka, and Burhunka were shelled. Civilian infrastructure, schools, high-rise buildings, private residential buildings, and farm buildings were damaged. One person was injured in Burhunka.

On January 4, the russian army also shelled the village of Vesele in the Kherson region, and a 17-year-old boy was wounded. The Prosecutor General's Office announced this on Telegram.

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