Ukraine tests new solution to search for IDPs and their needs

By the end of January, Ukraine plans to launch a search subsystem for internally displaced persons and their needs, which is currently being tested.

Rubryka reports, citing the Ukrainian government portal.

The Unified Information Database of Internally Displaced People subsystem, Information and Search System (ISS), was developed and implemented by the Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Social Policy with the support of the Council of Europe project.

It is a mechanism for the multifactorial parametric search of IDP information with a flexible tool, forming selection results.

"The system has significantly improved the process of searching for IDPs at the district, regional and central levels, expanded its criteria, and displayed the results with a summary and the possibility of downloading them for use in work," said Kostiantyn Koshelenko, Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformations, and Digitalization.

The ISS also allows to search and select information about the needs of IDPs:

  • grocery sets,
  • winter clothes or shoes,
  • placement of children in school or kindergarten,
  • treatment and rehabilitation measures.

In addition, employees of social protection agencies and interested central executive authorities can now search the IDP database online for information on internally displaced persons using 42 details and their arbitrary combination, for example:

  • according to the IDP certificate;
  • at the address of residence;
  • at the place of registration;
  • by social status;
  • in the presence of disability and other criteria.

As Koshelenko noted, the system is already being tested in 10 districts of Kyiv and will be implemented throughout Ukraine by the end of January.


6,540,000 people were estimated to be internally displaced in Ukraine as of 27 October 2022 due to russia's war, according to IOM.

It was reported that Ukraine does not yet plan to conduct mass inspections of the residences of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision on the payment of housing assistance to IDPs.

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