Ukraine exported almost 100 million tons of goods worth $44.1 billion in 2022

During 2022, Ukraine exported 99.8 million tons of goods worth 44.1 billion dollars.

This was announced by Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka.

The official noted that from 2021, the value of exports fell by 35%, and physical volumes decreased by 38.4%.

"However, in war conditions, this is a feat: to export almost 100 million tons of products (of which 16.3 million tons — through the grain corridor) in the conditions of the blockade of ports and constant attacks on the infrastructure.

This is the first year when the volume of exports and logistics came to the forefront," said Kachka.

Among the goods, the leader in value and volume is corn.

Its exports amounted to 24.99 million tons worth 5.94 billion dollars. This is even 1% more than in 2021.

The second place in terms of export value is sunflower oil ($5.46 billion). Reduction in money by 14.4% and in volumes — by 16.3% compared to 2021.

Sunflower seeds made it into the top ten most exported goods. 2.7 million tons worth 1.255 billion dollars were exported. This is 33 times more than in 2021, Taras Kachka emphasized.

Iron ore also remained at the top, with exports of 23.9 million tonnes worth $2.9 billion.

On the other hand, it decreased in volume by 45.9% and in money — by 57.8%. The reason is that seaports for ore and other industrial goods are closed, and prices and demand are reduced due to fears of a recession.

Ukraine managed to export 11.2 million tons of wheat worth 2.6 billion dollars. Compared to 2021, there is a reduction of 44.1% in volume and 44.7% in the money. It should be noted that until August, the export of grain by sea was blocked by russia.

Where were Ukrainian goods exported?

63% of exports went to the European Union — 27.9 billion dollars.

The largest exports were to Poland ($6.6 billion), Romania ($3.8 billion), Hungary ($2.27 billion), Germany ($2.23 billion), Italy ($1.5 billion) and Spain ( 1.5 billion dollars)

Turkey became the largest export market outside the EU — 2.9 billion dollars. It surpassed China, where 2.46 billion dollars were exported. At the same time, during the year, exports to Turkey decreased by 29% and to China by 69%.

What transport was used to export?

12 million tons of goods were transported by road. This is 32.4% more than in 2021.

33.7 million tons were exported by rail. Such supplies increased by 3.4% in volume (1.1 million tons) compared to the previous year.

On the other hand, exports by sea transport fell. During the year, they exported 99.8 million tons, which is 55% less than in 2021.

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