Next Ukraine-EU summit to be held in Kyiv in February

The Office of the President of Ukraine announced the date of the next Ukraine-EU summit.

Rubryka informs about this with reference to the OP of Ukraine.

As noted in the message, today, January 2, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke by phone with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, for the first time this year. And one of the issues discussed by the leaders was the preparation for the next Ukraine-EU summit.

Zelensky informed the President of the European Commission about the progress of Ukraine's implementation of the seven recommendations of the EC, which were given in connection with our country obtaining the status of a candidate for EU membership. In her turn, Ursula von der Leyen noted the extremely great progress achieved by Ukraine on this path.

"The Head of Ukraine emphasized the determination of the Ukrainian side to complete the relevant work soon to start pre-accession negotiations already this year," the Office notes.

In addition, the colleagues discussed the expected results of the Ukraine-EU summit, which will be held on February 3 in Kyiv.


EU leaders will raise the issue of starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession at the next Ukraine-EU summit, the head of the EU delegation in Ukraine, Matti Maasikas, said. At the same time, Maasikas noted that the EU enlargement policy continues to be a geostrategic investment in Europe's security, prosperity, and stability.

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