One of biggest consequences of war in Ukraine is food crisis — NYT

The war launched by russia against Ukraine can cause world hunger and become the most significant consequence of the conflict.

Rubryka writes about this with reference to The New York Times.

The article's authors note that hostilities and constant attacks on energy infrastructure exacerbate the food crisis in the world. The situation is also worsened by persistent droughts in the USA, Brazil, and Argentina — major food exporters.

At the same time, the supply of Ukrainian grain within the "grain corridor" does not cover all needs.

"An enduring global food crisis has become one of the farthest-reaching consequences of russia's war, contributing to widespread starvation, poverty, and premature deaths," the article says.

According to the UN World Food Program estimates, more than 345 million people suffer from acute food shortages or are at risk of starvation. This figure is twice as large as in 2019.

Food shortages and high prices cause a crisis in

  • Africa,
  • Asia,
  • America

War-ravaged Afghanistan and Yemen are suffering the most, and Egypt and Lebanon, for example, are having difficulties paying their bills. The food crisis has affected even rich countries like the USA and Great Britain.

"By attacking Ukraine, the breadbasket of the world, Putin is attacking the world's poor, spiking global hunger when people are already on the brink of famine," said Samantha Power, the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, or USAID.

Also, one of the factors of the food crisis remains the blocked export of fertilizer from Ukraine and russia. Due to problems in the market, farmers in many countries have been forced to reduce the number of fertilizers in the fields, which can affect the volume of the harvest.

It will be recalled that during the operation of the "grain corridor," 605 ships left Odessa ports, transporting 15.9 million tons of agricultural products.

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