That's according to Zelensky's Telegram posting.
"Wish for miracles today? Ukrainians have been creating them themselves for a long time. Want real friends? We have already found out for sure who they are. Want true love? This year we felt it more than ever. Want faith and hope? Both have been in the Armed Forces for a long time. Do you want home comfort? It's where we and our loved ones are. Want light? It is in each of us, even when there is no electricity. Want adventure and travel? Now Ukrainians have received too many of them," the address reads.
"So today it is only one wish. And it will come true not by a miracle, but by our work. By struggle. By mutual aid. By humanity," Zelensky said.
"Happy New Year! The year of our victory," the Ukrainian leader concluded.
President Zelensky said that the Ukrainian air defense forces will become even stronger and more effective in the new year, and that they could become the most powerful in Europe.
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