Ukraine’s air defense downs 16 drones in night attack

On the night of December 30, the russian invaders tried to attack Ukraine with 16 Shahed-131/136 drones. However, the air defense forces destroyed all enemy drones.

Rubryka reports, referring to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"A total of 16 Shahed drones were launched. They attacked Ukraine from the south-eastern and northern directions. To overcome Ukraine's air defense system, the enemy tried to use the stream bed of the Dnieper river," the military explained.

Fighters of the East and Center air commands and air defense units of other components of Ukraine's Defense Forces destroyed Iranian-made enemy drones.

At night, the russian occupiers tried to attack Kyiv with kamikaze drones. Air defense forces shot down 5 Shahed drones that attacked the capital. One of the barrage UAVs destroyed a part of the administration building in the Holosiivskyi city district and damaged windows in a residential building.

Serhii Popko, head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, said: "The enemy continues to carry out massive air attacks on the capital of Ukraine. After yesterday's missile attack, which did not bring the aggressor results, tonight the capital withstood the attack of Iranian Shahed UAVs."

According to Popko, five enemy drones were detected in Kyiv's airspace. Air defense forces destroyed all targets.

At the same time, the mayor of the capital Vitalii Klychko reported on Telegram that the russians had launched seven drones at Kyiv. Two were destroyed on the approach to the capital, and five were downed in Kyiv.

"Two were shot down on the approach to the capital, five over Kyiv. As a result of falling debris, windows in a residential building and one non-residential building were damaged in the Holosiivskyi district. There were no casualties," the head of Kyiv emphasized.

On the night of December 30, Oleksii Kuleba, the head of the Kyiv regional administration, reported that the russians were attacking the Kyiv region with drones.

Later, it became known that the enemy was aiming at infrastructure facilities in the region, but according to preliminary data, "there were no hits."

Also, the occupiers launched five drones in the Dnipropetrovsk region, but the air defense forces destroyed all enemy UAVs in three districts of the region. The head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, Valentyn Reznichenko, reported this.

"For the second night in a row, our sky defenders eliminated all five enemy Shahed drones that were over the region. They shot down circulating ammunition in three districts."

On the night of December 30, the Defense Forces shot down enemy Shahed-type attack drones and one Marlin drone in the Zaporizhzhia region.


On the night of December 29, the russian invaders again attacked Ukraine with kamikaze drones, then launched cruise missiles in the morning, and air defenses were activated in several regions.

It was reported about the activation of air defense in the territory of the Poltava region, Zhytomyr region, Odesa region, Lviv region, Kharkiv and Kyiv.

Air defense forces destroyed 54 russian cruise missiles. A total of 69 missiles were used in the strike.

The world community condemned the attack.

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