This is evidenced by the survey data conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the sociological service of the Razumkov Center in cooperation with EP.
48.9% of respondents said that membership in the Alliance would guarantee Ukraine's security in the future. 16.7% believe that it is necessary to develop their own Armed Forces and defense industry (following the example of Israel or Switzerland).
About 10% consider the best option to be an agreement on strategic defense cooperation with several allies (for example, Poland and the Baltic states) without the United States.
8.5% of respondents support a non-aligned or neutral status with international security guarantees for Ukraine. 6.7% of respondents favor an agreement on strategic defense cooperation with the USA.
Another 10% were undecided.
At the same time, Ukrainians were divided in their opinion regarding the possible terms of joining NATO. 25.3% of respondents believe that Ukraine's accession to NATO can happen after the victory and the implementation of the necessary reforms.
At the same time, almost as many (24.9%) are sure that accession can happen immediately after winning the war. Another 18.8% consider it realistic to join NATO even before the victory in the war.
16.2% of respondents consider Ukraine's accession to NATO unlikely even after victory and reforms, and almost 15% of respondents are undecided.
NATO Secretary General previously stated that the primary task for the Alliance countries is to help Ukraine in the war with russia, and only after victory will it be possible to talk about full membership.
And NATO countries have made additional contributions to the Comprehensive aid package for Ukraine and will provide assistance to restore the energy system.
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