This is evidenced by the data of a poll conducted in the USA by the British international Internet company YouGov and The Economist magazine, Rubryka writes.
It is noted that 53% of respondents favor continuing the transfer of American weapons to Ukraine, while 25% are against it.
At the same time, according to research data, more than half of US citizens (53%) favor transferring weapons to Ukraine at the same level or even increasing supplies.
It is emphasized that:
47% of respondents support the transfer of the American Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.
At the same time, indicators of perception of Ukraine as a friendly and allied state remain high – 24% and 45%, respectively.
Meanwhile, the corresponding indicators for Great Britain are 48% and 30%, and for France – 37% and 36%.
Instead, 52% of respondents consider russia an enemy country, and 26% — an unfriendly state.
The research was conducted from December 17 to 20, and a total of 1,500 respondents were interviewed. The margin of error is 3.3%.
At the same time, the Military Media Center noted that Ukraine takes a responsible approach to the use of financial and military aid from Western partners, and the positive image of the state evokes a high level of trust of the international public.
"This position of the population of friendly states allows strengthening the continuation and increase of the provision of light weapons, heavy weapons systems, air defense systems, financial aid, humanitarian aid," the comment said.
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