The relevant statement was made by the Joint Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.
Following the legend, the enemy was attempting to land a tactical airborne assault and seize an important state object. In cooperation with the National Guard of Ukraine, the Armed Forces units destroyed enemy transport helicopters in the air and inflicted fire damage on a forward unit attempting to capture a corresponding bridgehead.
According to Naiev, in order to inflict fire damage, an artillery maneuver was carried out. For this purpose, Ukrainian forces used the PTS-2 floating transporter and ferry lines to cross a water obstacle.
"However, there are no limits to improving practical skills and abilities in our personnel. Commanders will continue such training in order to bring the actions of subordinates to automatic performance in the future," Naiev noted.
A reminder that, on December 24, 2022, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Serhii Naiev inspected the readiness of Ukrainian units to repel the aggressor's possible attack in the northern direction from the territory of Belarus.
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