Photo: President's Office
Rubryka writes about this with reference to Zelensky's address to the ambassadors of Ukraine, "War and new horizons in the world," on Friday.
Zelensky said: "Next year, we will increase our activities. Special attention will be paid to those regions and those continents where our interests are, so far, represented less than we need for the good of Ukraine and our protection against russia's aggression. In particular, Africa.
We are already restarting relations with dozens of African countries. We have to step it up next year. 10 countries where new embassies of Ukraine will be opened in Africa have already been determined. We also developed the concept of the "Ukraine-Africa" Trading House.
Volodymyr Zelensky added that together with the already existing representative offices in 10 African countries, Ukraine should reach representation in 30 countries of this continent.
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