Yaroslav Yanushevich, the head of the Kherson regional military administration, reported this on Telegram.
"The russian army continues to fight against civilian infrastructure in Kherson. This time they fired at a kindergarten," Yanushevych said.
He reported that in the morning, the russians targeted the territory of the kindergarten, which is located in the Korabelnyi district of the city. The blast wave and projectile fragments broke windows in the building. There were no casualties due to this terrorist attack.
The regional authorities are urging residents of the Ostriv micro-district in Kherson to evacuate, as it is a zone of increased danger.
On the morning of December 23, due to another shelling by russian military personnel, two residents of the city of Kherson were killed. Residential buildings and critical infrastructure objects were damaged.
On December 19, a gymnasium building was damaged in Kherson due to enemy shelling.
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