The Associated Press reports.
The publication relied on its research methods and the confirmation of three forensic experts with experience in mass burials.
The Associated Press analyzed satellite images taken during the last eight months of the occupation. They show 8,500 new graves on the outskirts of the Old Crimean Cemetery alone, with perhaps a few bodies under each barrow.
There are at least three other trench graves around Mariupol, including one created by the Ukrainians at the beginning of the siege.
It says AP journalists were the last international media in Mariupol to escape heavy shelling in March before russian forces took over the city.
The media has reconnected with many people whose tragedies were captured in photographs and videos during the worst days of the russian blockade.
According to AP, the death toll may be three times higher than the previous estimate of 25,000, announced in May by the Ukrainian authorities.
They indicate that throughout Mariupol, russian workers demolish bombed-out buildings at least once a day. Therefore, the crushed bodies of people are taken out together with the debris.
Each of the dozens of residents interviewed by AP reporters knew someone had been killed during the siege. About 30 people come to the morgue every day, hoping to find a loved one.
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