G7 will provide $32 billion in budget support to Ukraine in 2023

According to the meeting results on December 22, the finance ministers of the Group of Seven countries announced their intention to send up to 32 billion dollars of budget support to Ukraine. And, if necessary, increase this amount.

This is stated in the joint statement of the heads of the G7 finance ministries, Rubryka writes.

"To underscore our unwavering commitment to supporting Ukraine together with the international community, today, we confirm our joint approach for coordinated budget and economic support next year in line with the needs of the Government of Ukraine: for 2023, we have already mobilized up to 32 billion US dollars of budget and economic support for Ukraine and continue to make further progress," they note.

The Heads of the Finance Ministry of the Group of Seven states specify that this sum includes, among other things, the macro-financial assistance program approved by the European Union in the amount of 18 billion euros, the budget assistance of the United States provided for in the draft law awaiting approval, as well as a loan from the World Bank under the guarantees of Great Britain.

"We are prepared to do more as needed on budget and economic support in addition to our military, humanitarian, development cooperation, and early-recovery support. We also strongly encourage other donors to step up their support," the statement said. statement

G7 also recalled that in 2022, they attracted 32.7 billion dollars for Ukraine's budgetary needs.

It will be recalled that the G7 leaders at a virtual meeting on December 12, in which President Volodymyr Zelensky also participated, agreed to continue supporting Ukraine, in particular financially, in its full-scale war with russia.

They also announced that G7 would create a "multilateral donor coordination platform together with Ukraine and our international partners" to support Ukraine's recovery. The platform will establish a secretariat and appoint representatives from G7 governments, whose first meeting is planned for January 2023.

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