UN allocates extra $20 mln to Ukrainian volunteers and public organizations

The UN allocated an additional $20 million to support 300 Ukrainian volunteers and public organizations

This was stated by the permanent coordinator of the UN system in Ukraine, Denise Brown.

Since February 24, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has allocated 252 million dollars for operations in Ukraine.

This amount includes $192 million from the Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund and $60 million from the Central Emergency Fund.

More than $55 million from the general aid of the UN went to provide generators for hospitals, centers for temporarily displaced people, and other critical objects.

In addition, this money is used to buy winter clothes and goods for Ukrainians who faced an energy crisis in the middle of winter.

Brown noted that the work performed by representatives of Ukrainian civil society is impressive. However, in 10 months of the war, they have exhausted all their resources and need help.

"These groups have always been the backbone of the humanitarian response in Ukraine and even more since the war started in late February. They are in the front line, taking risks to make sure people whose lives have been torn apart by months of war receive support for their daily needs: water, food, medicines, shelter when their houses have been damaged," said Denise Brown.

We will remind you that Ukraine received 200 million euros of credit funds from the Netherlands through the mechanism of the IMF's administrative account.

In addition, Ukraine received 500 million Canadian dollars (equivalent to 367 million US dollars) from Canada.

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