A high-ranking official of the White House reported this.
"We had the opportunity to closely consult with President Zelensky on the security parameters so that he could leave the country, come to the United States for a short period and return.
Of course, this final decision was made by him. He concluded that these security parameters — you know, met what he needed. We agreed with this, so we are implementing it accordingly," the official said.
A representative of the Biden administration added that russia "will continue to do what it is doing" and "we will continue to do what we are doing."
In particular, the USA will not interfere with the trips of President Zelensky, which he considers necessary for promoting the interests of his people and his country.
"And I would like to point out that just this morning, he made a trip to the city of Bakhmut in the east of the country, which is very close to the front line in the east.
Previously, he had already visited other areas directly on the front line. And he makes his own decisions about those trips based on what he thinks will be best for his people," the official added.
Zelensky will visit the USA at the invitation of President Joe Biden. This happened after the two leaders discussed Zelensky's visit to Washington during a telephone conversation on December 11.
On the morning of December 21, the Office of the President of Ukraine officially confirmed Zelensky's visit to the United States.
"After visiting the advanced positions of the Ukrainian defenders in Bakhmut, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, left for the United States of America on an official visit.
On December 21 in Washington, he will meet with US President Joseph Biden, with whom he will discuss comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.
In particular, with regard to strengthening the stability and defense capability of Ukraine, supporting its sovereignty and restoring territorial integrity," the press service of the President's Office confirmed in a statement on December 21.
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