russia uses up to 6 Belarusian airfields to carry out airstrikes against Ukraine — Ukraine’s Air Force Command spokesman

russia uses about 40 airfields to carry out airstrikes against Ukraine, five or six of which are located in the territory of Belarus.

This was reported by the spokesman of the Air Force Command of Ukraine, Yuriy Ignat, Ukrinform reports.

"There are at least five or six main such airfields that russia uses to carry a certain threat from this direction. In total, russia uses about 40 airfields for attacks in Ukraine. That is to place their tactical aviation there, their aviation group. Not only tactical aviation, but also helicopters, and transporters, and fighters, and bombers, and attack aircraft," Ignat said.

According to him, russians do not disappear from the airfields of Belarus. Their planes are in the airspace of Belarus.

In particular, since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a plane or several radar detection A-50s have been flying there, which track all air targets on the territory of Ukraine. Works in conjunction with IL-22 relay aircraft. There is also a MiG-31.

"Tactical aviation of the russians is also constantly at the airfields of Belarus," added the spokesman of the Air Force Command.

Ignat emphasized that the russians move equipment to Belarusian airfields depending on the tasks. Aviation is a fairly mobile, dynamic branch of the military that can quickly relocate.

"Today, by the way, aviation activity has intensified even on the occupiers' front. It is clear that our pilots are also carrying out strikes. Our strike aircraft carry out 10-15 air group strikes every day, and fighter jets, as means of air defense, cover our strike groups. Also, the army ground forces aviation is effectively hitting the occupiers," he said.

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