The head of the Ministry of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov, said this during honoring representatives of various professions and the presentation of departmental awards for personal contribution to the Victory.
"… There will be no capitulations, except for the capitulation of the kremlin. Therefore, today the russian authorities are trying to use terror and blackmail, perhaps, to "bargain" for themselves some topics for negotiations.
They will not succeed, and we publicly send signals about this to all the world's capitals. Even those who still want to "advocate" for the kremlin and conduct business "as usual," the head of the department noted.
The head of the Ministry of Defense also emphasized that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have mastered and are successfully using dozens of types of Western weapons in battle.
"International partners believed in us and want to be co-authors of our victory. They know there is a very difficult road ahead, but they are ready to go through it with us. russia strategically lost this war," Reznikov said.
The minister reminded that Ukraine's goal remains unchanged:
Negotiations between Ukraine and russia
It should be recalled that the head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, said that negotiations with the russian federation are the last step towards peace, not the first. He emphasized that russia continues to use diplomacy as a weapon.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, believes that russia does not plan to negotiate with Ukraine and that statements about negotiations are a "smoke screen."
CIA director William Burns believes that putin does not want to negotiate and is ready to continue the war of attrition.
In turn, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres believes that negotiations between russia and Ukraine will not occur soon. However, he hopes that the war in Ukraine will end in 2023.
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