This was reported by the head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, on Telegram.
"Rishi Sunak announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth 50 million pounds. In addition to 125 anti-aircraft guns and technologies to counter Iranian UAVs, the aid package will include dozens of radars and means of radio-electronic combat against drones," Yermak wrote.
According to him, Great Britain is also strengthening the training offer for the Armed Forces, sending experts — military medics and engineers to the region to provide specialized support.
"Our common goal is to defeat russia. And we will do it together," the OP head emphasized.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, after talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky on November 19 in Kyiv, announced a new package of military anti-aircraft aid, which will include anti-aircraft guns and anti-drone equipment.
According to him, this year, Britain provided military aid to Ukraine for more than 2.3 billion pounds.
Sunak assured that the United Kingdom would provide military aid to Kyiv next year as well.
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