According to the summary, the russian military puppet group Wagner continues to play an essential role in protracted battles in the area of the city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region. In recent months, it has developed an offensive tactic that uses large numbers of poorly trained convicts.
According to British intelligence, individual fighters are likely to be given a smartphone or tablet with commercial satellite images, where the axis of advance and the target of the attack are marked.
At the platoon level and above, commanders will likely remain in cover and issue orders via radio, receiving video feed from small unmanned aerial vehicles.
Individual groups and units are ordered to follow a predetermined route, often with fire support but less often with armored vehicles.
Operatives of Wagner, who deviated from the attack route without permission, are most likely to be executed.
"These brutal tactics aim to conserve Wagner's rare assets of experienced commanders and armored vehicles, at the expense of the more readily available convict recruits, which the organization assesses as expendable," the intelligence review said.
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