"This is weakness. I repeat once again: the use of nuclear weapons in our time, no joke, is a serious matter, it speaks of inadequacy and weakness. This is the third world war. These are millions of victims. This is the transformation of one or another city, state, and world into ruins. This is complete inadequacy, they are sick people. They are inadequate people, they need to see a doctor," President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky told French TV channels TF1 and LCI in an interview when asked whether Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons.
Commenting on the situation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the President noted that now everything depends on how the terrorists who seized the plant will behave.
"There are 500 militants there, they have explosives, they are all armed, they give food and water to the staff according to schedule. The plant is not working. Could there be an explosion? It depends on the people inside. I think everything depends on these 500 militants," Zelensky said.
As reported, Russian troops captured the ZNPP on March 4. The invaders place military equipment and ammunition on its site, constantly shelling both the surrounding area and the plant itself, destroying power lines and causing external power outages.
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