German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said this in an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Scholz says he wants to keep the channel for communication with the Kremlin open, despite the not so encouraging prospects of success.
"Our goal is for Russia to stop its war of aggression and for Ukraine to protect its integrity," Scholz said, adding that "to this end" it will be necessary to talk: whether it will be done over the phone, over a video link, or over a long table, remains to be found out."
Russia, the chancellor is convinced, "must admit that this cannot go on like this," adding that Russia must "stop the war, withdraw their troops, and thus create an opportunity for mutual understanding."
"Putin, stop this war," Scholz said, once again appealing to the Russian president.
At the same time, he assessed as likely the possibility of a new escalation in view of the lack of success of the Russian army on the battlefield.
As reported, in early December, Scholz called Putin for the first time since mid-September, trying to convince his counterpart to end the war on the neighboring country. After that, he admitted that Putin showed no readiness for real peace talks.
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