Emergency blackouts introduced throughout Ukraine

In connection with damage by russian missiles to energy facilities in several regions of Ukraine, emergency power outages are introduced across the country.

This was announced by the Deputy Head of the Office of the President, Kyrylo Tymoshenko.

"In connection with the strikes to energy facilities in several regions of Ukraine, emergency power outages are introduced across the country. We ask that you understand power outages and temporary water/heat supply interruptions," he wrote in Telegram.

Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko noted that energy facilities in the east and south of the country were damaged.

Earlier, it was reported that as a result of the massive attack by the russians on Ukraine on Friday, the major cities of Kharkiv, Poltava, and Kremenchuk were blacked out.

Kharkiv is without power, and the work of the metro was suspended. Critical infrastructure facilities in the Chuhuiv district of the Kharkiv region were damaged, and power outages are possible.

As a result of the russian attack on Friday, Poltava was left without electricity, and the electricity supply and heat supply disappeared in Kremenchuk, Poltava region.

Emergency blackouts were introduced in Kyiv on Friday, and there are problems with the water supply.


The morning of December 16 began with an air raid alert throughout Ukraine. The head of the Mykolaiv regional military administration, Vitalii Kim, announced the russians launched about 60 rockets. Telegram channels report the launch of russian Kh-101 missiles.

The enemy was targeting the Ukrainian energy system. Representatives of local authorities were warning residents about the possibility of long-term power outages. 

Explosions continued in many regions and cities of Ukraine: Poltava region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Kharkiv, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia, Kirovohrad region, and Vinnytsia.

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