This is reported by The New York Times.
During searches in the framework of the failure of the coup attempt, law enforcement officers found and confiscated about 40 firearms and thousands of cartridges for other weapons.
More than 100 non-disclosure agreements were also discovered, in which the signatories swore to keep secret the coup plan — it involved storming the German parliament and arresting its members, as well as killing the German chancellor.
In addition, the investigation established that the German prince Henry XIII, who is called one of the organizers of the putsch, met at least once with russian diplomats at the consulate in Germany.
The investigation is now focused on examining more than 30 people believed to be involved in the coup attempt, trying to find possible hiding places of the putschists with weapons, and determining the meaning of the lists of people's names found.
It will be recalled that last week in Germany, special police forces conducted a special operation simultaneously in 11 federal states against a right-wing extremist organization that planned to kidnap politicians and storm the Bundestag. It was reported that 25 people were detained. Among those arrested were a russian woman and a man who was in contact with representatives of the russian federation. Among those involved in the group is a former AfD deputy (Alternative für Deutschland is a far-right party known for its opposition to the European Union and immigration to Germany — ed.)
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