russians shelled Kherson region 42 times in one night: one person dead, another wounded

In the Kherson region, the кussian occupying forces shelled the territory of the region 42 times over the past day, December 13. Artillery, multiple rocket launchers, tanks, and mortars were used in the strikes.

Rubryka reports referring to the Telegram of the head of the Kherson regional military administration, Yaroslav Yanushevych.

The head of the region said that the invaders once again shelled the residential quarters of Kherson.

They hit the yacht club, school, sports facility, and private and apartment buildings.

According to Yanushevych, there were also casualties among the civilian population.

So, the russian aggressors killed one person, and another regional resident was injured.

The last time a similar shelling took place was on December 10. At that time, two people died, and eight were injured in the Kherson region due to enemy shelling from MLRS, mortars, and artillery.

Deputy Head of the Office of the President, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, reported that the russians shelled the Kherson region 51 times during the day. Tymoshenko emphasized that the city's residential quarters were damaged due to the strike. In addition, the enemy damaged the hospital, shops, and warehouses. Infrastructure objects were also damaged.

Also, during the night and morning of December 10, the russian invaders shelled the liberated Kherson, as a result of which 2.5 thousand subscribers were left without an electricity supply.

That night, russian troops shelled a medical facility in Kherson. Enemy shells hit the maternity ward of the hospital. The building is damaged. Medical workers, patients, and children were not injured.

Situation at the frontline

On December 13, more than 20 settlements were damaged in the Kherson area. In particular, Chornobaivka, Antonivka, Mykilske, Tokarivka, Novokairy, Respublikanets, and Mylove of the Kherson region and the city of Kherson.

On the morning of December 14, Ukrainian air defense over Kyiv and the region shot down 13 Shahed kamikaze drones. At this moment, there are no victims.

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