British military official reveals participation in “covert operations” in Ukraine

Lieutenant General of the Royal Navy of Great Britain Robert Magowan spoke for the first time about the participation of the British military in "undercover operations" in accompanying British diplomats in Ukraine.

This is reported by The Times.

In an article in the official publication of the Royal Marines, the Globe and Laurel, Magowan said that in early 2022, 350 servicemen were sent to Ukraine to help evacuate the embassy to Poland.

In April, they returned to Kyiv to provide security for the British diplomatic mission, which was resuming its work there.

"During both phases, the Marines supported other covert operations in a highly sensitive environment and with a high level of political and military risk," Lt. Gen. Magowan describes it in the article without elaborating.

At the same time, in April, The Times wrote that for the first time since the beginning of the war with russia, the military of the British Special Air Service resumed military training in Ukraine, although the British side did not officially confirm this.

In a comment to The Times, a spokesman for the British Royal Naval Forces noted that the marines were deployed in Ukraine "to support the diplomatic presence of Great Britain in the country" and "did not perform any combat functions."

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