Ukraine’s President offers allies to choose part of Peace Formula and implement it

President Volodymyr Zelensky offers the partner countries to choose from the Ukrainian peace formula the points they can implement to eventually arrive at the necessary security architecture in the world.

He said this in a speech at the TRT World Forum in Istanbul, Ukrinform reports.

Zelensky reminded the audience that in Indonesia at the G19 summit, he presented the Ukrainian peace formula, "which can put an end to russian aggression and restore the force of international law for Ukraine and all other nations."

The President emphasized that food security is one of the elements of the Peace Formula, and it is something in which Turkey's leadership role can be fully demonstrated.

"The fact that we manage to implement such initiatives as the grain export initiative and the humanitarian initiative Grain from Ukraine gives us a format for implementing other similar initiatives, other points of the Ukrainian peace formula. The main thing is leadership. The main thing is not just to know about its power, not just to show it from time to time, but to direct its potential for the sake of peace," Zelensky noted.

He emphasized that the Ukrainian peace formula is formulated in such a way that its clauses allow each state and each leader to choose the aspect in which the determination of this particular state and the determination of this leader can work.

"I suggest all our partners choose points for themselves so that the entire peace formula is implemented. So that step by step, as with the grain initiatives, we arrive at the security architecture we need," Zelensky said.

According to him, the Ukrainian peace formula is straightforward and does not look unrealistic.

"It now looks the same as the idea of renewing grain exports from our seaports in May of this year. Already in July, exports were renewed, thanks to our joint power. Let this power work in everything else that is needed for peace!" Zelensky emphasized.


In November this year, President Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Ukrainian Peace Formula. In particular, it is about radiation, nuclear, food, energy security, the release of all prisoners and deportees, the implementation of the UN Charter and the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the world order, the withdrawal of russian troops and the cessation of hostilities, the return of justice, countering ecocide, preventing escalation, fixing the end war.

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