Iran executes first person arrested in mass protests

In Iran, the first participant of the protests was executed, who was accused of attacking a member of a paramilitary formation. He was hanged.

The Iranian news agency Mizan reports.

According to the investigation, in September, Mohsen Shekari blocked the main road in Tehran and injured an employee of the Basij People's Militia with a machete. The court rejected the appeal.

The message states: "The appeal (…) is not valid and justified, as the attacker was in a crowd of rioters and tried to block the street, threatened people with a cold weapon, and also attacked and injured a representative of the security forces."

Mohsen Shekari was executed on the morning of December 8, following Sharia law and the country's Criminal Code.


Earlier, Iranian lawmakers demanded severe punishment for the participants of the protests that have been ongoing since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

According to data compiled by the human rights agency HRANA, as of November 8, 14,800 people had been arrested during the protests. Now, as Iran International reports, these people face the death penalty.

Human rights group Amnesty International said the death sentences were aimed at "further suppressing the popular uprising" and "instilling fear among the public."

In December, the American magazine Time called the Iranian women who went to the protests "Heroes of the Year."

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