The press service of the Ukrainian state-owned company reported this.
JSC Market Operator joined the committee of European market operators—Nominated Electricity Market Operators, or NEMO, Committee. It will be an observer of the work of the unified spot market of EU electricity.
All nominated market operators (NEMOs) and all European countries' transmission system operators (TSOs) agreed to join.
The European Union created the NEMO Committee to settle all organizational issues related to the functioning of the unified spot electricity market—SDAC (single day-ahead coupling) and SIDC (Single Intraday Coupling).
"The observer status in NEMO enables JSC Market Operator to start technical preparation for the unification of the spot markets of Ukraine and Europe, which in test mode can start in the second quarter of next year, and study in more detail the work of SDAC and SIDC EUROPE," the Ukrainian company explained.
Ukraine's energy system has officially completed its integration with the European electricity system and has become part of ENTSO-E in March 2022. This meant the start of the Ukrainian electricity flowing to Europe and the European one to Ukraine.
The acceleration of the synchronization project, which has been ongoing since 2017, has been made possible by previous research and risk mitigation measures.
ENTSO-E is a European network of electricity transmission system operators, which, excluding Ukraine, unites 43 operators in 36 countries on the European continent. The organization was established in July 2009.
The integration of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Ukraine into the pan-European energy system ENTSO-E is provided for in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
Due to russia's massive missile strikes that started in October 2022, Ukraine temporarily stopped the export of its electricity.
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