This is discussed in the blog of the EU diplomacy chief, Josep Borrell, on the European External Affairs Service website, the EP reports.
Про це йде мова у блозі глави дипломатії ЄС Жозепа Борреля на сайті Європейської служби зовнішніх справ, пише ЄП.
"Training will be conducted in different EU countries: 24 member states have put forward over 100 offers for training modules, which are currently under review to ensure they match Ukrainian needs," Borrell wrote.
As of December 5, 15 modules are ongoing with the participation of 1,125 Ukrainian service members, and nine modules have already been completed with the involvement of 377 service members.
As Rubryka wrote, Ukrainian service members are already undergoing training at the Libava training ground in the Czech Republic.
We will remind you that the new training mission of the European Union for the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine) has reached full operational readiness.
The mission's mandate will initially last for two years, and the financial benchmark for total costs for this period will be 106.7 million euros.
The mission will ensure coordination with bilateral measures of member states in support of Ukraine and with other international partners. It will also be open to the participation of third countries.
The series of pieces of training conducted by instructors of the Canadian Armed Forces in coordination with the British Army for the Ukrainian military as part of the UNIFIER training operation in Great Britain for this year has ended.
22 січня, захищаючи Україну, загинув кінорежисер Станіслав Притула. Йому було лише 40 років. Воїн був… Читати більше
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Словацький прем'єр Роберт Фіцо заявив, що Україна нібито причетна до антиурядових протестів у Братиславі та… Читати більше
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