This was stated by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, reporting on the meeting with the delegation led by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, Rubryka writes.
"In Kherson, there was not just the detention of civilians, which is already a violation of IHL norms, but also the joint detention of women and men in one cramped cell for several weeks.
We also documented 24-hour audio and video surveillance of captives and the use of torture through their interpersonal communication.
The facts of the creation of cells for children, where russian soldiers detained and tortured minors, are terrifying," Lubinets emphasized.
The ombudsman also noted that he did not have to explain exactly how russian troops destroy Ukraine's energy system.
The High Commissioner has seen with his own eyes how this happens and how civilians become victims, and the lives of the most vulnerable are at risk.
Also, the Ukrainian Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada indicated that the ineffectiveness and inertness of the International Committee of the Red Cross were noted.
"And the presence of a large number of civilian hostages confirms this," Lubinets noted.
We will remind that the prosecutors of the Kherson region recorded another war crime committed by russia. As the General Prosecutor's Office informs, the russists shot dead 7 civilians, including a minor girl.
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