This was reported by Berlin based on the results of a telephone conversation between them, reports AFP.
"The chancellor called on the russian president to come to a diplomatic solution as soon as possible, including the withdrawal of russian troops," the German leader's spokesman, Steffen Gebeshreit, said.
During the hour-long telephone conversation, Scholz "condemned, in particular, russian airstrikes against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine and emphasized Germany's determination to support Ukraine in ensuring its defense capability against russian aggression."
The leaders also discussed global food security, which is under pressure due to the war.
They also agreed to "stay in touch," Gebestreit said.
Scholz and putin maintain regular telephone communication throughout the war. The previous conversation between the two took place in September and lasted 90 minutes. At that time, Scholz also called on putin to "come to a diplomatic solution, as far as possible, based on a ceasefire."
The kremlin was the first to report today's conversation between Scholz and putin.
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