Most OSCE countries support creation of special tribunal for russia — Polish Foreign Minister

Most OSCE participating countries support Ukraine's initiative to create a special tribunal on the crime of russia's aggression.

The current OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, stated this during a press conference in Łódź, Poland, after the 29th meeting of the OSCE Council of Ministers.

"Of course, there is an institutional issue that the vast majority of the international community has to solve. And I can say there is a consensus on the need for basic principles of justice. As you know, initiatives and even some procedures have been launched to prepare such a tribunal. And I am ready to assure you that the vast majority of OSCE participating countries support the creation of such an institution, and many of them are already participating in the collection of evidence and providing legal assistance to Ukraine," Rau commented on the creation of the special tribunal.

The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry said he is "optimistic about the final result of this initiative to launch such a tribunal."

"There is an institutional problem, and a consensus of the vast majority of the international community is needed. But I do not doubt that a legal solution will be found," Rau said.

In addition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, whose country will chair the OSCE in 2023, emphasized the condemnation of the crimes committed in Ukraine during russia's aggression and called for justice. According to him, North Macedonia will provide support in this matter.


Ukraine took the initiative to create a special tribunal that will prosecute members of the russian security council for the crime of aggression against the Ukrainian state.

President Volodymyr Zelensky has formed a working group headed by the head of his Office, Andriy Yermak, which will deal with the issue of creating a special international tribunal to bring to justice those guilty of aggression against Ukraine.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly supported the creation of such a tribunal.

Kyiv is working on several options for creating a special tribunal, one of which is based on an agreement between Ukraine and the UN, which can adopt a relevant resolution.

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