This was reported by Daily Sabah.
Çavuşoğlu said: "I think we also have to convince some Western allies to come back to the negotiating table now. Ukraine is advancing on the ground, retaking some territories, occupied territories, but russia is responding by deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure. So life is becoming difficult for Ukrainians in particular, and for us, for all of us."
The head of Turkish diplomacy emphasized that "more complex new realities" appeared in the war in Ukraine.
He added: "I think by spring we will have a clearer picture of a ceasefire, or a truce, or (returning to the negotiating table)."
Turkey has repeatedly tried to become a mediator in reaching a peace agreement between Ukraine and russia; the last face-to-face talks between the parties took place at the end of March in Istanbul.
Ankara emphasizes support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and has also closed the Bosphorus Strait to russian military vessels. At the same time, Turkey refuses to impose sanctions against russia and continues to conduct negotiations and trade relations with it.
A few days ago, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said that the European Union's decision not to consult with Ankara regarding a new military aid mission to Ukraine is another example of its strategic blindness.
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