US Embassy in Spain also received package with explosives

A package with explosives identical to those addressed to the Ukrainian embassy, ​​an air base, a military company in Zaragoza, the prime minister, and the defense minister of Spain was received by the US embassy in Spain.

Several publications, including El Mundo and El Pais, reported this.

The package arrived around 12:30 p.m., was identified as suspicious, and was successfully neutralized on the embassy premises.

It is noted that in all cases, these were the same brown envelopes with the same written address.

State Secretary for Security Rafael Perez said that the substance used in the packages is similar to those used in pyrotechnics.

He said: "There are indications that these packages originate from the territory of Spain, but I speak about this with caution."

Also, Rafael Perez said that the package that was sent to the Torrejon de Ardos Air Base was neutralized without an explosion, so it will be easier to identify the components and the possible sender.


As Rubryka wrote, on Wednesday afternoon, November 30, it became known that an employee of the Embassy of Ukraine in Madrid received minor injuries as a result of a bomb explosion in the premises of the embassy.

It is known that in Spain, the incident was previously classified as a terrorist crime.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, then instructed to strengthen the security of all Ukrainian embassies abroad immediately and also called on his Spanish colleague to take urgent measures to investigate the attack on the Ukrainian diplomatic mission.

The commandant of the Embassy of Ukraine in Spain, who was injured in the explosion on Wednesday afternoon, was discharged from the hospital and returned to work.

A package with a suspected explosive device was also received on Wednesday by the Spanish company Instalaza, which manufactures weapons that the Spanish government is sending to Ukraine to help fight Russian forces, Torrejón de Ardos Air Base and the Ministry of Defense of Spain.

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