russia struggles with strategy of strikes on Ukraine’s infrastructure effectiveness — British intelligence

The efforts of the russian federation to completely destroy the critical infrastructure of Ukraine did not become effective, as could be expected, for example, at the beginning of the war.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the intelligence review of the British Ministry of Defense as of December 1.

"Since October 2022, russia has repeatedly attacked Ukraine's electricity distribution grid, primarily with cruise missiles.

This is likely the first example of Russia attempting to implement the concept of a Strategic Operation for the Destruction of Critically Important Targets (SODCIT), a key component of the military doctrine it has adopted in recent years," the summary states.

According to russia's plan, the concept involves using long-range missiles for strikes on critical objects of the enemy state's national infrastructure rather than its armed forces.

The purpose of such strikes is to demoralize the population and, ultimately, to force the state leadership to capitulate.

russian strikes continue to cause power shortages, leading to indiscriminate, large-scale humanitarian suffering across Ukraine, the summary noted.

However, the effectiveness of this strategy is likely to be blunted as russia has already expended a significant portion of its usable missiles against tactical targets.

In addition, as reported by the intelligence service, at this moment, Ukraine has already successfully mobilized for nine months. Therefore, the material and psychological effect of this operation will probably be less than if it had been deployed in the initial period of the war, British intelligence emphasized.

Earlier, British intelligence spoke about shortcomings in the deployment of russian battalion-tactical groups.

We will remind you that the ISW believes that the general pace of military operations on the front in Ukraine will increase shortly.

In addition, British intelligence explained that, to continue the offensive in the north of Donbas, russia aims to capture a section of the front in the ​​Pavlivka and Vuhledar in the Donetsk region. That is why intense fighting continues there.

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