This was reported by the pro-Kremlin media outlet RIA Novosti.
Naryshkin stated that, according to russian intelligence, Poland is allegedly forcing preparations for the annexation of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and most of the Ternopil regions of Ukraine.
According to the occupier, Warsaw is confident that they "deserved generous compensation from Ukraine for military aid and providing a roof over the refugees' heads."
Also, according to the russian official, Poland is "afraid" that "senior NATO partners will try to come to an agreement with moscow in the winter months, neglecting the interests of not only Ukrainians but also Poles."
The russian also fantasized that the Polish leadership was preparing for "referendums" in western Ukraine.
According to Naryshkin, as a "trial bullet," the Polish special services "leaked" information to the Ukrainian mass media about the alleged preparations in the Lviv region for a vote on joining Poland: "The reaction of important regional players and ordinary citizens is expected to be carefully monitored and analyzed."
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