Ukraine’s First Lady attended reception of Queen Consort Camilla on occasion of UN Day for Elimination of Violence against Women

On the occasion of the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, First Lady Olena Zelenska attended a reception by the Queen Consort of Great Britain, Camilla.

First Lady wrote about this on Telegram, Rubryka writes.

Zelenska reported that democratic societies are united by intolerance of violence and cruelty in any form.

"Last week in Kyiv, as I do every year, I joined the campaign against gender-based violence. Today, I had the honor of attending the reception of Queen Consort Camilla of the United Kingdom on the occasion of the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women," Zelenska said.

The First Lady emphasized that it is an honor for her to "personally meet Her Majesty and to tell what happened and is happening in our territories temporarily occupied by russia. What terrible crimes the occupiers are committing against our women and children."

The president's wife said she "told the Queen Consort that many of our families are separated. Many children are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their parents at home. Fathers or mothers can serve; they can be doctors and volunteers. Approximately 40 thousand of our women serve in ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine".

As Zelenska noted, the Queen Consort has actively participated in campaigns against violence against women for many years. She is constantly engaged in charity work and helps Ukrainian refugees in the United Kingdom.

"I thanked for this and assured: Ukraine is ready to contribute to international efforts to prevent violence in conflicts that are faced all over the world," the First Lady said.

"Unfortunately," Zelenska emphasized, "we have painful experience in this matter. Fortunately, we are doing everything possible to overcome it with dignity and never tolerate it."

As Rubryka reported, during her visit to Great Britain, the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, took part in the Conference on the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflicts (PSVI Conference).

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