It’s not just one person, whole collective putin should be punished — Ukraine’s First Lady

For the crimes committed during the russian aggression in Ukraine, not only russia's president, vladimir putin, should be punished, but also the whole "collective putin"

The First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, stated this in an interview with the British TV channel Sky News.

"I think it's not just one person as putin, we are talking about collective putin, and we think that, and I think that, the whole collective Putin should be punished," she said.

Zelenska also added that it is necessary to unite the world community to support the creation of a special tribunal to punish russian war criminals.

"We need to unite the world community just as it happened in January 1942 to support the special tribunal against the aggression of russia against Ukraine," she said.

The First Lady of Ukraine called on Great Britain to take the lead in creating such a special international tribunal to prosecute russia for its aggression against the Ukrainian people, stressing that "just stopping the war is not enough."


During her visit to Great Britain, the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, took part in the Conference on the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflict (PSVI Conference). The President's wife called on the world community to support the victims of russian violence.

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