Starlink stations to be installed at Points of Invincibility – UA digital ministry

After some time, Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation plans to install Starlink satellite communication terminals in the Points of Invincibility that provide necessary services in outages.

Rubryka reports, referring to the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

What is the problem?

Over the past two months, the russian federation has significantly damaged Ukraine's energy system with missile attacks. Because of this, repair work is being carried out and planned, and emergency power outages are being applied throughout the country.

Accordingly, there is a communication failure in all regions.

What is the solution?

As Rubryka reported, 4,000 "points of invincibility" have already been deployed in many settlements of Ukraine, where you can get hot drinks and food, warm up, charge your phone, and use the Internet.

These were the first points that worked in Kherson, liberated from the occupiers.

The map of these points is already available on the special portal

How does it work?

For Ukrainians to be able to call and use the Internet, the Ministry of Digital Transformation plans to install Starlink satellite communication terminals.

"Separately, the Office of the President is working with the State Emergency Service on 'points of inviolability' throughout the country. And there will also be Starlink later," the agency emphasized.

Fedorov also reported that 20 public communication points have already been opened in de-occupied Kherson, and another 40 will be operational in the next week or two.

Further, such Wi-Fi points will be created in the area.

The minister also emphasized that there will be thousands of public Wi-Fi points throughout the country.

As Rubryka reported, in the capital of Ukraine, the authorities called on business representatives to create their heating points. In Kyiv, they began deploying the first half a thousand "Points of Invincibility."

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