17:39 28 Nov 2022

97% of all russia's strikes hit civilian objects — Ukraine's Defense Minister

Залужний та Рєзніков на передових позиціях військовослужбовців

Over 16,000 missile strikes were recorded during the 9 months of full-scale war. 97% of all russia's targets were civilian.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov, writes about this on Twitter.

Reznikov noted: "Over the past nine months, russia has launched more than 16,000 missile strikes on Ukraine. 97% of russian targets are civilian. We are fighting a terrorist state. Ukraine will win and bring war criminals to justice."

удари рф

  • In particular, russia struck more than 14,000 houses, of which more than 12,000 were in villages and suburbs.
  • More than 250 strikes were directed at transport infrastructure facilities,
  • about 200 – at energy facilities,
  • more than 500 – at military facilities,
  • more than 800 – at other objects.


On October 13, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted a resolution designating the russian federation as a terrorist regime. PACE became the first international organization to recognize russia as a terrorist state.

On November 21, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly recognized the russian federation and its regime as a terrorist state.

During the vote on Wednesday, the European Parliament supported the resolution recognizing russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.


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