russia’s war in Ukraine threatens organization’s existence – OSCE

The aggressive war waged by russia threatens the existence of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, so efforts must be made to preserve this structure.

This was stated by the special envoy of the current OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Artur Dmochowski, at the meeting of the OSCE PA in Warsaw, Ukrinform reports.

"The undeclared, unprovoked barbaric war in the OSCE region represents the greatest existential threat to the organization since its foundation," the diplomat said.

According to him, the recent death of two Polish citizens demonstrates that the war waged by russia poses a direct threat to the security of not only Ukraine but other countries as well.

"By protecting the victim—Ukraine—and opposing itself to the aggressor—russia, the OSCE also protects the rules-based international order. This is written in the fundamental principles of the organization, which are the foundations of international security and stability. russian aggression destroyed the foundations of the modern concept of security. No mechanisms and measures were able to prevent this attack in the heart of the OSCE region," Artur Dmochowski stated.

He pointed out that russian aggression also increases disputes and tensions among the organization's members.

At the same time, Warsaw is convinced that the OSCE mechanisms may be needed even if they proved ineffective in preventing this war. This requires an organizational adaptation, but in this relation, only the modernization of working methods can be discussed, not the principles. OSCE functions are now working in emergency mode, the diplomat noted, but the trend is not irreversible if the political will appears.

"There is one condition: the russian army must leave the territory of Ukraine, and russia must respect international law. The adaptation and modernization of the OSCE must not allow concessions and appeasement," the representative of the Polish Foreign Ministry emphasized.

"Against the dramatic facts of the atrocities committed by russia, until it decides to change its behavior, it is hardly possible to imagine and accept a return to business-as-usual on the territory of the OSCE," Dmochowski added.

He drew attention to the fact that one of the goals of russian tactics in the OSCE was to close its structures in Ukraine. Therefore, it was important for the Polish Presidency to maintain its presence in our country.

The diplomat also expressed satisfaction over the fact that the Ukraine support program will be continued as a vital element of the results of the Polish presidency.


The 20th autumn session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will take place on November 24-26 in Warsaw. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed its delegates on the first day of work and called to eliminate any opportunity for terror supporters to participate in the activities of the OSCE PA.

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