EP President Metsola launches “Generators of Hope” campaign to help Ukraine

To provide Ukraine with power generators, EP President Metsola and Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence and President of Eurocities, launched the "Generators of Hope" campaign today.

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, and Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence and President of Eurocities – the network of Europe's more than 200 largest cities – launched on Wednesday the "Generators of Hope" initiative. The launch was attended and welcomed by Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. The campaign calls on cities to donate power generators and transformers to help Ukrainians get through the harsh winter ahead.

These generators will help to keep essential facilities in the country running, providing energy to hospitals, schools, water supply facilities, relief centres, shelters, phone masts and more.

As a result of Russia's war against Ukraine and its continuing attacks on critical civilian infrastructure, which violate international and humanitarian law, more than half of Ukraine´s electricity network has been damaged or destroyed, leaving millions of Ukrainians without electricity.

During the press conference announcing the campaign, EP President Roberta Metsola said:

"The European Parliament and the EU have shown remarkable solidarity with Ukraine on the humanitarian, military and financial front. Now they need practical support to get through the winter.

I call on all cities, towns and regions across Europe to join the Generators of Hope campaign. Together we can make a real difference."

President of Eurocities and Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella said:

"Since the beginning of the war, Eurocities has rallied to support Ukraine. On 19 August we signed a memorandum of understanding in Kyiv to support the sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine. Now we will coordinate with over 200 major cities alongside our partner organisations, and with President Metsola, we will do all we can to offer direct relief to the people of Ukraine.

At our annual Eurocities Cooperation Platform in Vienna next week, we will present in detail the initiative to over 80 cities participating. As Mayors, my colleagues and I know the importance of local services. By launching this direct call to action for cities to get together and help Ukraine by donating generators and transformers, we can help ensure that Ukraine's cities will be able to manage their day to day lives in the best way possible. We must act immediately. Winter is upon us, there is no electricity and gas, there is no time to waste."

Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, said:

"We are proud that Europeans and their institutions, such as the European Parliament and Eurocities, are today standing by Ukraine in responding to Russia`s terrorist tactics against civilian Ukrainians."

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