Romania recognizes Holodomor as crime against humanity and Ukrainian people

Photo: OPU
Deputies and senators of Romania voted for the Declaration of the Romanian Parliament to condemn the deliberate famine (Holodomor) that the Ukrainian people suffered due to the Soviet occupation in 1932-1933.
European Pravda reports, referring to the publication Agepress.
Two hundred forty-eight votes supported the declaration, and one abstained.
The declaration was read at the plenary session by the deputy from the group of national minorities, Nicolae-Miroslav Petrețchi, and recognizes the Holodomor as a crime committed against the Ukrainian people and humanity.
By a historic decision, Romania joins the democratic and dignified states of the whole world, which recognize and solemnly take upon themselves not only the commemoration of the victims of the famine of 1932-1933.
This was stated by the deputy from the ruling National Liberal Party of Romania, Alexandru Murau.
He added that Romania also joins the "recognition of the genocidal, systematic, direct, cynical, criminal actions of the Soviet Union and its leaders with the aim of physical destruction of the Ukrainian nation."
"The Holodomor was a unique murder on the territory of the Soviet Union in terms of the scale, pace, and nature of the crimes committed by the leaders and institutions of the Soviet Union.
In the early 1930s, the courage and determination of Ukrainians to resist collectivization aroused unbridled hatred of the totalitarian system.
Historians estimate that in the early 1930s, there were more than 4,000 uprisings and local uprisings against collectivization, taxation, terror, and violence by the Soviet authorities. (…) The loss of human lives amounted to about 10 million victims. The real numbers will never be known," he said.
At the same time, the document expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian people who suffered in this tragedy. A tribute is also paid to the millions of victims of the artificial famine of 1932-1933.
The declaration also:
- Strongly condemns the similarly criminal method by which Romanians in Bessarabia were subjected to deliberate, artificial starvation for forced collectivization in 1946-1947,
- expresses support for the protection and respect of fundamental human rights and freedoms.