European Parliament banned travel documents issued by russia in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

The European Parliament voted for the decision not to accept passports and other travel documents issued by russia in the illegally occupied regions of Ukraine and Georgia in the EU

This is reported by EP with reference to the press service of the parliament.

The European Parliament approved the agreement with the Council of the EU on the non-acceptance of travel documents issued by russia in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine and Georgia.

531 deputies voted for the decision, 7 voted against it, 34 abstained.

According to the proposal, the European Commission should consult with EU member states and draw up a list of russian travel documents, including passports, which should not be accepted.

However, those fleeing the war in Ukraine will still be able to enter the EU for humanitarian reasons.

"The European Parliament is determined to do everything possible to continue to put pressure on russia through legal and political means so that putin pays a high price for this illegal war and for the international crimes committed against Ukraine and its people," commented the rapporteur, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, after the vote.

Once the decision is also officially adopted by the Council of the EU and published in the Official Journal of the EU, it will enter into force the day after publication.

russia has been issuing passports to Crimea residents since the illegal annexation of the peninsula in 2014 and is now doing so in other areas of Ukraine not controlled by the Ukrainian government.

The non-acceptance of these russian documents will apply when any of the citizens apply for a visa to enter the EU or when they cross the EU's external borders.

The Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached a preliminary agreement on the decision not to recognize russian foreign passports issued in the occupied territories of Ukraine and Georgia in mid-November.

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