Missile attack in Vyshhorod: number of victims increased to 5

The number of people killed after being hit by an enemy rocket in the Kyiv region has increased to five.

Deputy Head of the Office of the President Kyrylo Tymoshenko said this on the telethon, Ukrinform reports.

"I would like to add about the rocket strike, which took place in the city of Vyshhorod in the Kyiv region. The rocket flew into an apartment building. The current situation: five dead, more than 20 injured. Currently, the State Emergency Service is still working there at the facility, but we can already confirm the information about the five dead," Tymoshenko said.

According to him, the residents of the buildings destroyed and damaged by the rocket are already being resettled in hotels, where people can stay as long as necessary.


The head of the police of the Kyiv region, Andrii Nebytov, recently reported that the number of dead after russia's missile strike in the Kyiv region has increased to four people, and the number of injured is now 27.

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