This is stated in the official statement of the Chief of the White House, published on Wednesday, Ukrinform reports.
"Even as the brave Ukrainian people continue to defend their democracy and freedom from Russia's brutal aggression, we pause to also honor the victims of past injustices and horrors inflicted on Ukraine," the US president said.
In his address to the Americans, he noted that November marks the next anniversary of the Holodomor, "death by hunger."
Biden recalled how Joseph Stalin's regime pursued a harsh and repressive policy against Ukraine, including deliberately creating a famine that caused the deaths of millions of innocent Ukrainian women, men, and children.
"We commemorate all the lives lost in this senseless tragedy, and we pay tribute to the resilience of the Ukrainian people who endured devastation and tyranny to ultimately create a free and democratic society," the head of the White House emphasized.
He also noted that the United States confirms its steadfast commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
"We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. And we honor the brave Ukrainian people who continue to courageously resist Russia's assault on their democracy," the US president emphasized.
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