Ukraine meets with Iranian experts about russia’s drone use: details

At a meeting with Iranian experts, Ukrainian specialists stressed the consequences of cooperation with the russian federation would be disproportionate to the possible benefits.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Oleh Nikolenko, reported this in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

"Such an expert meeting really took place. I cannot disclose the details.

At the same time, I can assure you that the Ukrainian side continues to take the strictest possible measures to prevent the use of Iranian weapons by russia to wage war against Ukraine," the department's speaker emphasized.

Nikolenko noted that Ukraine informed Iran of the position that the consequences of complicity in russian aggression would be disproportionate to the potential benefit from cooperation with the aggressor country.

It will be recalled that earlier, the Iranian mass media reported on holding an expert meeting of Ukrainian and Iranian specialists to investigate the use of drones by the russians.

It should be noted that Iran continues to supply weapons to the russian federation, and the transportation is carried out with the help of planes and ships.

As The Washington Post reported, russia concluded an agreement with Iran on the production of drones on its territory. Citing intelligence, the contract was signed in early November.

"This agreement, if fully implemented, will further deepen the russian-Iranian alliance, which has already provided crucial support for Moscow's failed military campaign in Ukraine. By acquiring its assembly line, russia could dramatically increase its stockpile of relatively inexpensive but highly destructive weapons systems, which in recent weeks have changed the nature of the Ukrainian conflict, which has been going on for nine months," the statement says.

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