Price we pay as NATO allies is measured in money, while Ukrainians pay price measured in blood — NATO Secretary General

NATO allies must join forces and prevent putin from winning the war he has unleashed against Ukraine, as his victory will cost democratic countries much more.

This was stated by the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, in Madrid at the plenary session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Ukrinform reports.

"We have to be ready to support Ukraine for a long time. Yes, I know that this support comes at a price. In our countries, many people are facing a cost-of-living crisis, with rising energy and food bills, which is a difficult time for many people. But the price we pay as NATO allies is measured in money, while the Ukrainians pay the price measured in blood. If we allow putin to win, we will all be forced to pay a much higher price," Stoltenberg stressed.

According to him, if putin wins, authoritarian regimes worldwide will see that it is possible to achieve what you want with the use of brute force.

"This will have direct consequences for our security. It will make the world more dangerous and us more vulnerable. This is why we cannot allow President putin to win in Ukraine," the NATO leader said.

In his view, putin made at least two major strategic mistakes when he invaded Ukraine in February: he underestimated the Ukrainians' bravery and willingness to fight, and he underestimated the unity and determination of NATO allies and partners in supporting Ukraine.

"He (putin — ed.) wanted to defeat Ukraine in a few days, but nine months later, russia continues to suffer one setback after another. Ukrainians continue to liberate their territories from occupation, and the latest example is Kherson. But it would be a big mistake to underestimate russia. It maintains significant military capabilities and a large number of troops, demonstrates readiness for large losses and a desire to inflict terrible suffering on the population of Ukraine," the NATO Secretary General stressed.

Stoltenberg noted that russia is using drones and missiles to strike Ukraine's cities, civilians, and critical civilian infrastructure, which is especially dangerous as winter approaches. NATO's response to the actions of the russian aggressor should be to increase the supply of weapons and military equipment that will help Ukraine continue to fight against the aggressor in winter conditions.

"So we must stick to this course together. But our help for Ukraine is difficult to imagine if we do not have broad public support for these efforts in our countries. So I count on all of you, members of parliament, to convey this information to your citizens," Stoltenberg said.

The Alliance's head noted that people who feel the price of putin's aggression should realize that continuing to support Ukraine is in their interests.

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