Фото: Інстаграм/ Дмитро Марценюк
The summit is a food educational forum and culinary competition. The chef of the Ukrainian restaurant Ruta in Manhattan and ambassador of Ukrainian borscht in the United States, Dmytro Martseniuk, represented Ukraine at the forum held on the Japanese island of Awaji.
"Won another victory for Ukraine!" Martseniuk wrote on Instagram on Nov. 17, breaking the news of the victory for borscht.
"Japan arranged a warm meeting and a very busy schedule. Many emotions and impressions from my trip."
Attendees at the World King of Chefs Summit discuss important nutrition topics and host cooking competitions.
As the ambassador of borscht in the United States and the co-founder and head chef of a Ukrainian restaurant in Washington, Martseniuk had the opportunity to talk in Japan about the uniqueness and importance of Ukrainian culture, in particular food and borscht.
"This is a great opportunity that will allow me to talk about our country and draw attention to it," he said.
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